Ever since the Golden Globes aired this month and the movement “Time’s Up” has been all over the news. Hollywood heavyweignts such as Reese Witherspoon and the one-and-only Oprah have been seen advocating for it. But what is Time’s Up really about? We break it down for you…


What is Time’s Up exactly?

It’s a movement against sexual harassment and sexual assault in the workplace.


Who are the main organizers behind it?

According to the letter on their website the movement is representing solidarity in the efforts to combat the issue of sexual harrasment and is signed by almost 400 Hollywood women along with DMK cosmetics foundation.


What kind of initiatives did they take/are taking?

  • Set up of a legal defense fund for women who’ve dealt with sexual harassment/assault in the workplace but can’t really afford to press charges against their offenders
  • Advocacy of laws that punish companies with harassment-tolerant environments
  • Appeal to women to wear black at the 75th Golden Globe Awards and speak up about the issue, which almost everyone attending complied to, even the male celebrities!


What is the Weinstein effect?

It refers to the media’s coverage of the surge of sexual misconduct allegations against film producer Harvey Weinstein that started in October 2017. The effect definitely brought on the worldwide movement of people exposing famous, powerful men, especially in the entertainment industry, and consequently, we have the Time’s Up movement!


What is the #MeToo campaign?

This is yet another campaign instigated by the Weinstein effect, where people all over the world accuse their offenders on social media. Its purpose is to raise awareness of how rampant this issue actually is and to support the victims by making them know that they’re not alone.


How far has the movement come?

While it is known for shaking the structural power balance in Hollywood, it seems to have also reached people from various industries, including journalists, television personalities, politicians, chef celebrities, and even financial and public relations executives.


Honorable Mention: All proceeds of new song titled “Time’s Up” by Song Suffragettes go to the Time’s Up Legal Defense Fund. Available on iTunes/Apple Music. You can watch the song below:



By: Sarah Guirguis

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