On the occasion of the opening of the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization and the transfer of the royal mummies
Hassan Allam Holding Company congratulates all Egyptians on this international event and is proud of its role in building the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization

All eyes turned to Egypt’s as it moves the royal mummies from the Tahrir Egyptian Museum to the Museum of Egyptian Civilization in a historic golden parade announcing the opening of the Museum of Egyptian Civilization. On this occasion, Hassan Allam Holding, a leading construction and engineering group headquartered in Cairo, Egypt, serving regional and global clients in the Middle East and Africa, extends sincere congratulations to the great Egyptian people. Hassan Allam Holding is proud to have built and constructed the Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Fustat, to which the royal mummies were transported in a historical procession.

Eng. Hassan Allam, CEO of Hassan Allam Holding, said: “Hassan Allam Holding is proud to be a part of this historical and global event, as the company undertook the construction of the Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Fustat. The museum shall become one of the most important national and cultural mega projects in the world, being one of the largest archaeological museums globally and the first to be entirely dedicated to displaying artifacts of one of the richest and greatest civilizations in the world. This museum is part of the long and extended partnership between Hassan Allam Holding and the Egyptian state in many national and strategic projects.”
The Museum of Egyptian Civilization is located on an area of 33.5 feddans, of which approximately 140,000 sqm are buildings. It was built over three phases. In the first phase, Hassan Allam Holding erected 12,000 sqm of concrete structures and finished shops, offices, and garages along with electromechanical works. The second phase included constructing the reception building and its VIP hall, planetarium, theatre, cafeteria, conference hall, and fire systems. It also included the glass pyramid that rises above the central display area. The pyramid is called the Capital Museum, as it displays the history of the current Greater Cairo city through modern technological methods, enabling visitors to see all the landmarks of old and modern Cairo.

The third and final phase included the main halls of the museum, the central museum hall, the exhibition of royal mummies, and the panorama hall. The main hall includes a permanent exhibition that displays the most important achievements of Egyptian civilization. As for the Royal Mummies Gallery, it is a hall equipped with the latest technologies to allow the visitors to explore the tomb using new and different display styles. The panorama hall is used for temporary exhibitions. Hassan Allam Holding also built the electrical substation serving the museum.
The museum includes service, commercial, and recreational buildings, and a research centre for artifacts and restoration. The museum will also be the headquarters for hosting a variety of events, such as film screenings, conferences, lectures, and cultural activities, rendering it a cultural hub for local and foreign
audiences and an integrated institution with a role of spreading archaeological awareness and spotlighting the role of Egypt in laying the foundations of human civilization.

It is worth noting that a consortium between “Hassan Allam Construction” and “MAB” of the United Arab Emirates and other global leaders from France, UK, and other countries in tourism promotion, cultural programming, and business management, marketing and quality control, has been awarded the contract to provide and operate services and facilities at the Grand Egyptian Museum (GEM), as part of the country’s strategy to support and advance the tourism sector. It also highlights the vision Hassan Allam Holding adopts to become the ideal partner in the field of establishing and operating major national projects.
1 comment
I have loved the Egyptian Civilization all my life! I have visited this great country before. I pray, God Willing that myself and my family may visit Egypt again soon to see this magnificent museum. Congratulations on this achievement for the Egyptian People and the World.