BLACKPINK’s Rosé has been named the latest brand ambassador for Tiffany & Co., an American luxury jewellery store.

Rosé will mark her debut as the label’s newest spokesperson in the forthcoming Tiffany HardWear visual advertisement in 2021. According to Tatler Hong Kong, the fashion house chose Rosé for the advertisement because of her “bold personality and modern style influence.”

The HardWear collections’ thick, eye-catching styles are often inspired by the idea of fearlessness. When asked when the last time Rosé did something bold and daring, the singer said she’ll only express her feelings.

“I believe that everybody is tested with new challenges every day,” Rosé said via email. “I feel brave as I stand up for my own beliefs. If it’s a minor choice or a huge one that comes with a lot of pressure, learning how to stand up for yourself on a regular basis is unquestionably a definition of bravery.”
Having followed Saint Laurent the year before, Tiffany & Co. is the second multinational luxury company to appoint Rosé as its global ambassador. Lisa and Jisoo, fellow members, have both been appointed global ambassadors for Celine and Dior, collectively, while Jennie has been representing French luxury brand Chanel since 2018.