Fashion Meets Function 

When fashion and function merge—great things can happen! In 2019, brands need to consider ethics and the environment when building a business plan, in order to appeal to worldly consumers. Brands that take people and the planet into consideration are slowly trumping big businesses as shoppers have become more aware of what they consume. Taking small steps towards creating a better planet should be everyone’s goal and reducing single-use plastic is the first step. Thankfully, Quila bags are here to help with the green movement while making it fashionable and fun.


Say NO to Single-Use Plastics

The name says it all! Single-use plastic is simply that, plastic that was created to be used only once before being thrown away or sent to recycling. This seems ridiculous, but it is far more common than you think and when you stop to look around at the plastic bags, straws, water bottles, and cutlery all starts to add up. The problem is that these plastics are not biodegradable and take up space in landfills or find their way to the ocean. It can take thousands of years for single-use plastic to decompose and in doing hence, the microplastics leak into the soil and water.

Common Single-Use Plastics:

  • Cutlery
  • Shopping bags
  • Takeout containers
  • Water bottles
  • Drink lids
  • Straws
  • Food wrappers

Interview with Quila Bags Creative Ms. Dalia O. Abdou

Q: What does Quila mean?

A: Quila is a Spanish name. It was a coincidence that I came across this particular name because it’s actually uncommon. Most young women who are given this name grow to be strong, reliable, and unique. If your name is Quila you are likely to have your own style allowing you to stand out from the crowd.

Q: How would you describe your current bag collection?

A: My current collection features a range of urban, vintage, oriental and Bedouin prints all intertwined with a modern twist.

Q: What inspires your designs?

A: My designs are mainly inspired by the Egyptian culture. Ever since I was young, I always thought of how weird it is that Egyptians adapt to global trends quickly. We have a tendency to believe that anything foreign is better so I aim to bring pride into each of my designs.

Q: What does going green mean to you?

A: I’ve been trying to help the environment in any way I can, from using local environment-friendly brands to trying my best to reduce my personal waste. Just because you want to go green doesn’t mean you have to lose your personal style and do it in a boring way. I wanted to introduce a simple brand that would simultaneously promote a green movement.

Q: How can people participate in the #OneLessPlasticBag movement?

A: I hope, #OneLessPlasticBag will reach as many people as possible. In my opinion, this would be the very first step towards a greener earth. It’s an easy change in an individual’s life-style that has a huge impact on our environment.

Amy N. Pugsley

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