When Dima Rashid founded her own label in 2002, her fun and flirtatious designs crafted from 18kt gold fused with precious and semi-precious were an instant hit. Her colorful and mesmerizing jewels not only became coveted by Egypt’s fashionistas, but they also graced the bodies of international celebrities and world leaders. She was one of the first to embrace designs with the now trendy and ubiquitous layered jewels look. Over the years many have tried to imitate her designs. Yet, her unique and signature look remains unmistakably her own. As she releases her latest alluring collection Dreams of Gold, we speak to the one and only Dima Rashid…


Where do you draw your inspiration?

My inspiration always starts off with my stones which I collect annually through my travels. My love for stones is a passion that I inherited from my father at a very young age who used to collect rare stones and antiques. Naturally, each design is created around the individuality and the asymmetry of my stones. That’s why each piece is one-of-a-kind and it would be very rare to find two of the same design.


Take us through your design process…

Before starting a new collection, together with my team, we research global design trends and forecasted pantones of the season. Then we start looking into how we can creatively combine these trends with our design philosophy which revolves around asymmetry, unique combinations of timeless precious and semi-precious stones, and our signature 18kt gold.


Throughout your career, what achievement are you most proud of?

I always say it; seeing others wearing my designs and appreciate my work.


Local and international celebrities alike love your pieces. What do you think draws them to your jewelry?

I would say how fun and individual the pieces are. It’s a great thing to enjoy your jewelry and use it to express who you are.


What is the most challenging aspect in being a jewelry designer?

Every phase has its challenges but it’s important to look at challenges as opportunities in disguise to push your envelope further. This year we’re placing a lot of focus on our research and design development. Staying ahead in terms of design trends while also maintaining our identity is something we always consider with each creation. Finding the right stones that suit our said design philosophy is also as equally challenging. We’re very selective with our stones which we collect on an annual basis.


How do you manage to keep your success and stay competitive?

Constant research, keeping an open eye to what’s new in the market whether in design or branding trends and staying in the loop when it comes to the design industry in general. Traveling frequently helps me and my teams stay exposed and up to date.


What is your favorite pieces from “Dreams of Gold”?

The Mix & Match Earrings in diamonds, Lapis, and Chrysophrase. It’s very expressive of our design identity which revolves around unique and raw stone combinations, asymmetry, and always fun to wear.


What is your take on the boom of emerging jewelry brands in the Egyptian fashion scene?

The industry has been growing very fast in the past couple of years where there has been a boom in up and coming jewelry designers. I think a combination of a rise in entrepreneurship and increased globalization caused by the recent surge in social media have both helped provide a platform for designers and made it so much easier for them to gain reach exposure whether in their home country or internationally. However, it’s important for upcoming designers to note that what will really differentiate them and make their brand sustainable takes far more than what just social media can offer. It’s important throughout the way to develop your unique identity and stay true to it, constantly research your target markets and personally connect with your clients.


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