of art is a vast echo of one’s emotions and bias reflected off the canvas of an
intended visuals own release of passion. One cannot simply view it as one
thing, just as one cannot simply intend it to be for so. And Dina Targam’s work
is quite the embodiment of this theory. While the collection aims to
demonstrate the artists happy and joyful life experiences, the use of eerie
abstraction and mix of both passionate and moderating colors gives a more
diverse feel to the collection.

Mimicking the softness of the oil paint, Targam uses fluid
brush strokes to evoke this sense of diversity, and encourages the viewer to
feel rather than think. The artistic work seems to unlock a sort of excitement
from within the observer, as the visual masterpieces tell a story that relates
to every viewer differently. It celebrates individuality, and the understated
truth that every single person will see each piece differently, as each
painting tells 7 billion stories to the 7 billion of minds who will interpret
it in 7 billion different ways.

The mind is a beautiful place, and when an artist is
talented enough to unlock the areas in which we have neglected, it is a true
work of genius. Available for a limited time at the Eklego showroom these
artistic valuables are a much-needed addition to any home that may lack
character. A truly positive embodiment of individuality and creativity, and
definite must have for any appreciator of truly brilliant art.