With the growing negative narrative around social media and its effect on our mental health, you think that it would all be doom and gloom. However, there is a new breed of influencer on the horizon— influencers strive to put a positive spin on their social media content. From dance teams that evoke joy to cooking shows that make you hungry (despite the fact that you’re on a diet) these influencers want one thing, to bring a spark of happiness to their followers. On Instagram and TikTok the Canadian-born influencer known as Ms. Lindsie (@mslindsie) has amassed 80 thousand and 700 thousand followers respectively. These numbers can be attributed to her unique sense of humor and willingness to be vulnerable in front of her followers as she tries to learn Egyptian Arabic and explores the cultural differences between her home country and Egypt. What started as a fun pastime during the pandemic has now turned the international teacher into a social media superstar with fans watching videos of @mslindsie singing along to an Amr Diab song or exploring locations around the country. Flair Magazine wanted to learn more about this influencer and sat down with Lindsie as she returns to Cairo for her fifth year.

Where are you from and how did you end up in Cairo? 

I am from Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The story of how I ended up in Cairo is actually pretty simple. I was studying to become a teacher and a friend of mine was in London teaching at the time. She had a friend who was teaching in Egypt and was trying to convince her to teach in Cairo the following year. I was immediately intrigued by the opportunity and I applied to the school. The rest is history, and I’ve now been living in Egypt for four years!

It always looks like you are having so much fun! Why do you love social media? 

Social media has always been fascinating to me. When I was younger, I only used social media for uploading photos and videos that I liked of myself, friends, and family too. I looked at social media as just a place to house all of my fondest memories. Social media, for me, is also a great space to learn new things, make connections with people around the world, and also spread awareness about important issues and events happening worldwide. 

Okay, it was a serious fangirl moment for us when you were recently reposted by Egyptian heartthrob Amr Diab after posting yourself singing along to one of his classic songs. What does it feel like to get noticed by international celebrities? 

To be honest, it is kind of surreal. I don’t know if I have fully processed that just yet. It is definitely super cool though!

You have blown up recently and have almost 80K followers on Instagram and 720K on TikTok. When did you start taking social media seriously, and what was your motivation for getting started?

This all started the same way it started for a lot of people … during the first lockdown when Covid-19 first became a thing at the beginning of 2020. I remember talking to my students and asking them for ideas and suggestions as to how to keep entertained throughout lockdown. A few of my students were telling me about the Tik Tok app. I finally downloaded it and at first, I was just simply there watching other people and not posting. One day, I randomly decided to post and I just found so much fun in it and admittingly it became quite addictive. At first, I was posting on TikTok more so just for fun and to pass time. I didn’t quite start taking it all seriously until a few of my videos went viral and I started blowing up a little bit. I figured why not continue posting and having fun with it and see where it takes me.

Your content is positive, fun, and pro-Egypt, what do you aim to provide to your followers?

I think a lot of people have a skewed idea and negative perspective of Egypt which I find to be disheartening because it has truly become my second home. I could write a long list of things that I love about Egypt, but of course, there are some cons as well which is the reality of living in any major city center. On my social media accounts, I aim to show a more accurate vision of Egypt, both the good and the bad, to my followers. I really hope that my love for Egypt is portrayed through the posts that I make and that more people want to come and visit this side of the world; this side of the world has so much to offer. 

What does Ms. Lindsie get up to when not influencing online?

I am a very low-key person. I enjoy going to the gym, going out for dinner with friends, and I also take Arabic lessons weekly. However, more often than not, you will find me curled up on the couch watching something on YouTube or a series on Netflix. 

Your skin is amazing and we are dying to know your daily beauty regimen? 

Thanks so much! I appreciate that. If I’m being honest, I don’t have a super intense 5-step skincare routine. I just simply wash my face with a cleanser twice a day (morning and night) and sometimes I will use a toner and/or a Vitamin C oil as well. I am trying to get better at wearing face sunscreen every day too, but that is a work in progress as I often tend to forget!

We heard through the grapevine that you might be starting a YouTube channel? Is this true and what can you tell us about it? 

Yes, that is my plan right now. I am still trying to navigate through creating a channel and all of the work that goes into YouTube itself. I haven’t completely decided on the types of videos I will do just yet … but I am thinking that it will probably consist of a wide range such as some small English Language tips and mini-lessons and then maybe some vlogs and challenge type videos as well. Stay tuned!

Rapid Fire Questions 

  • Egyptian food of choice? 100% Koshary! 
  • What Middle Eastern countries have you visited? Morocco, Jordan, Tunisia, and Lebanon twice
  • Dream vacation destination? Turkey is currently at the top of my list!
  • The thing you miss most from Canada? Family
  • Top 3 travel necessities? Headphones, sunscreen, & great company
  • Heels or flats? Flats
  • Lipstick or lipgloss? Lip gloss

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