Having recently become a brand ambassador for YSL Egypt, Dina Ragheb is certainly among the top-grade beauty advisors and makeup artists in Egypt. Whether you’ll be in Sahel all summer or staying home with your family, we thought you would like an expert’s opinion about what beauty tricks to use this season. We also asked Ragheb about what it’s like to be in her shoes.

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What does your quarantine makeup look like?

Most of us weren’t used to applying any makeup at home before this pandemic. It would’ve never crossed our minds but there’s something about quarantine that makes you want to go for it anyway. Of course, it’s very light, natural makeup but it makes a difference and weirdly affects how you feel about yourself. I would opt for soft and earthy colours in the form of blush, lip gloss and a little mascara. Or maybe just a lip and cheek tint will do the trick. It’s enough to make you feel productive when you look in the mirror. 

How do you prep the face before applying outdoor summer makeup?

You have to incorporate a morning routine where you first wash your face with a cleanser that suits your skin type, whether normal, dry or oily. After that, apply moisturizer and spf – no less than 30 because you know what Egyptian weather is like. Actually, I prefer to apply BB cream, which is a good mix of foundation colour and sunscreen. It’s much lighter than foundation and it helps you avoid putting on too many layers. If you have too much product on, it could cause breakouts. The next step would be blush or a bronzer to give you a sun-kissed look. After that, I would add a dab of peachy lipstick.

What products/brands are you using the most right now?

Since I am a brand ambassador for YSL Beauty Egypt, I’ve been obsessed with their products, especially their Touche Éclat concealer, The Shock volumizing mascara and basically all their glosses. They recently launched their pop-up shop, so you can easily get your hands on these products. Furthermore, I always reach out for the Soft Glam eyeshadow palette by Anastasia Beverly Hills.

How does it feel to also be a beauty influencer through Instagram?

It comes with more responsibility. I don’t just share anything. If I’m sharing a makeup tip, for example, I have to have tried it before along with other options to decide what’s best and what people can really work with. Especially when it comes to homemade makeup, you can find a lot of recipes online. I only share DIY that I know actually works, and it has really echoed with my followers. My content used to be all about brides and high-end makeup but they always asked me for advice about attainable makeup. Because of that, I started sharing how to make liquid highlighter, cheek and lip tint, lip plumper, makeup fixer spray, makeup remover, lip gloss, cream blush and even matte lipstick.

What type of challenges do you tend to face as a makeup artist?

Most challenges come up when you are getting a bride ready for her big day. You always have a time crunch within which you have to figure out the look that best suits her features and her dress. There’s no time to go down a certain path with the makeup and then change directions.

Which looks are trending most this season?

I know excessive highlighter was the ultimate trend about two years ago but I don’t think it is anymore. It’s not about sparkle and shimmer these days. It has become more about the glassy effect. Most people either go for that or a very matte look.

Pick two makeup products you can’t live without.

Definitely, the YSL Touche Éclat concealer; it provides you with both flawless high coverage and a natural effect. It instantly makes you look radiant and blends very well into your skin. Then if I had to choose only one other product, there’s the YSL Couture liquid eyeliner in brown – No 4.

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