We recently came across this charming bag brand, Mark & Lili’s, on Instagram, and we are nothing short of impressed. While they only launched earlier this year, they are already offering a gorgeous variety of handmade designs that you will most definitely want to get your hands on. We talked to the main founder and bag designer, Marina, a bit about her creative process and the story behind the brand.

Tell us about how your brand came about.

It’s actually a long story. It started when I decided to take a handmade leather craft workshop. I was studying in the last year of my mass communication studies. After graduation, I decided to take a very long break from everything but I was making bags only for myself. During that time, I grew a lot in the know-how behind making bags. Then, I decided to start selling and launching my own brand which offers very unique pieces. My vision is that any girl or lady would feel proud and unique while holding it the same way I feel. I talked a lot with my fiancée, Mark, who is my partner as well as a branding and marketing consultant. Together, we decided on the name ‘MarkandLili’s’. My name is actually Marina but my niece used to call me Lili since she began to talk and I loved it so much.

What type of challenges have you faced so far?

To be honest, I didn’t feel that I would be able to sell any bag, not because I don’t trust my designs but because in those days I was so depressed. I quit everything and forgot my goals in life but my partner didn’t. He would push me up and never give up on me. After a few months, I remembered who I am and what my goals were. I started drawing more designs to complete the first collection of MarkandLili’s. When I uploaded them, I was really shocked and glad when I had my first order. And then, one order came after the other, with minor changes in color and dimensions to fit the customer’s requirements.

We love how unique your bag designs are. From where do you draw your  inspiration?

Oh, thank you so much. I get my inspiration from different places; geometric shapes are usually the base of my designs. I also like the vibes of old streets and buildings. They somehow inspire me enough to finish the bag design and give it a unique look.

How do you ensure to stand out from other local brands?

I focus on selling pieces of art that would make any lady feel extra special, rather than commercialized bags. I also focus on every girl’s bag needs. For example, when I make a design, I think of where I would want to wear it, whether at the mall, on a special occasion, at the beach, and so on. That’s very important to me. I even think of the accessories that will work with the bag and give the design an extra hint of glamour.

Finally, I make the bags myself -all handmade- to make sure that they will look perfect. I find a lot of joy in that process. In Egypt, it’s so easy for any craftsman to take your designs and give it to another designer or company that will produce hundreds of pieces. Unfortunately, I’m still on the lookout for those I can trust. I hope I can find them soon.

Do you have an upcoming collection you’d like to share with us?

Yes, I just finished my latest collection. Some of the photos featured are a sneak peek of it.

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