Home Blog 8 Bad Habits To Kick this Ramadan

8 Bad Habits To Kick this Ramadan

by Flair Magazine

Many of us end up developing bad habits over the years that we never wanted to have in the first place. Some of us have wanted to quit unhealthy habits but have procrastinated for years. Ramadan is a good time to start getting yourself in check. Aside from the fact that you get more time to do what you want to do in Ramadan, it’s also that time of year you start reflecting on the person you’ve become and the things you want to change. Here are 8 bad habits to kick this Ramadan…


Binge-Watching All Day

We are all guilty of this one during Ramadan. As much as we get the temptation to remain passive in front of a TV screen all day, try to think of more meaningful activities to do with your time. Pick two or three series with your favorite actors to watch and then focus on doing other things in your day.



Your dependence on coffee to keep you awake and civil during the day will not be satisfied for 30 days so you might as well start sleeping well instead and you know, give your body the rest from caffeine it’s been deserving for years probably!



Health is not the only concern that comes to mind when we think of bad habits. When you have all your energy focused on being better, it’s easier to start watching your thoughts about people and the way you talk about them to others. So, keep gossiping to a minimum.


Stress Eating

If you are the type who snacks all day, you will definitely find yourself having to look for healthier ways to deal with stress. After Ramadan, stick to them and don’t go back to this habit. A few suggestions would be to dance, talk to a friend, or do a mini exercise.


Junk Food & Soda

Since your body is barely sustained during the day, make sure to eat healthy during Iftar. Your stomach (and your wallet) will thank you for it. Replace your coke with water or fresh juices and your KFC chicken bucket with real homemade food.


Cluttered Lifestyle

With all the extra time you have on your hands, you can start managing your time better. Maybe invest in a cute planner and start drawing out spots in your week for the things that really matter, including quality time with close friends and family.


Throwing away leftovers

There are always leftovers with the amount of food your mother and your aunts think people will eat. In reality, plates worth entire meals get thrown in the trash by the end of the night. Instead of throwing the food out, how about boxing up giveaway meals for anyone who needs it. There’s always someone hungry out there.


Alcohol & Cigarettes

Since Ramadan will already help you cut back on both, use it as a window to gain control over your addiction. If you’ve always wanted to quit, this is your chance. Keep up the healthy momentum when the month is over as well.


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