By Menna Saad El Din
Right before every new year, many of us take a moment to reflect on the previous years and we try to see what areas in our lives we can improve in. Research has shown that setting intentions prior to the New Year helps us prepare for the changes or effort we need to make to get started on them. However, it is important to set intentions that we believe are achievable. Instead of going crazy and putting together a list of unattainable resolutions – we’ve worked on a list that is not only achievable, but good for you.
Here are Flair’s “good for the soul”, most achievable resolutions of 2025.
Get More Sun Daily
Daily sun exposure has been linked to a better mood, encouraging a feeling of relaxation, and promoting a sensation of well-being. In addition, getting some sun daily helps to relieve joint pain, while stimulating the production of Vitamin D – an essential nutrient for bone health and a strong immune system. So go ahead and grab your book and find a nice spot to read in the sun or go for a little stroll and get some well-needed Vitamin D.
Declutter Your Home
Research has shown that the tidier your space is – whether it’s your home or office – the more reduced your levels of depression, anxiety, and stress are. Cluttered spaces have a tendency to increase our cortisol levels – a stress hormone. So go ahead and grab a garbage bag, and start making 3 piles – keep it, bin it, give it to charity. Before you know it, your home or office will look amazing – and your mental health will thank you.
Add More Veggies and Fruits to Your Daily Diet
A banana here, a small salad there – every bit of fresh fruit or vegetable goes a long way. Science has shown that a diet that is high in fruits and vegetables can help protect you against cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. Fresh fruits and vegetables contain important vitamins and minerals that our bodies need, both essential for our physical health, and our mental health. Mental clarity, a better memory, and ability to focus have also been linked to eating fruits and veggies. Dark, leafy greens such as spinach and kale, in addition to lettuce, cucumbers, carrots, apples, bananas and grapefruits, have all been associated with better mental health and fewer symptoms of depression.
Get Better Sleep
Over the past few years, scientists have studied the effects of sleep on our mental health and it has been astonishing. Everything from depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder to other conditions have been linked to poor quality sleep.
Aside from our mental health, it has been proven that getting less than 7 hours of sleep per night on a regular basis is associated with weight gain, diabetes, hypertension,heart disease, and stroke. Invest in some comfy, cosy bed linens, light some lavender and vanilla candles (both scents help to promote better sleep), and put away your phones and tablets, as the blue light emitted from them can upset your body’s natural production of melatonin – a hormone that helps regulate your seep.
Be Part of the Community
Research has shown that people who are more socially connected to family, friends, or their community are physically healthier, happier, live longer, and have fewer mental health problems than those who are not as connected. A weekly coffee outing with your 3 closest friends, joining a book club, or having your friends and family over for lunch once a month will all do your mental health good. When we are closely connected to the people around us it helps us to feel seen, heard, valued, and important. So go ahead and sign up for that dance class or book club, initiate the plan to meet your friends for coffee, and connect with those you love and who love you back.