Saudi actress and filmmaker, Fatima Al-Banawi adds another string to her bow as she makes her directorial debut in upcoming Netflix film, Basma. The drama film, which tackles the important theme of mental health, will see Al-Banawi take on multiple roles as writer, director and as Basma, the lead role.

Basma, which Fatima Al-Banawi originally wrote as a screenplay, follows the story of a young Saudi woman who returns back to her hometown of Jeddah after studying in America, only to discover that her family have been shielding her from some difficult truths. As she is faced with the reality of a father suffering with a mental illness and broken family relationships, Basma is left to navigate how to bring back the home life she once knew.

Al-Banawi, who is passionate about deepening the conversation between social impact and the arts, spoke of her experience with Basma, “There are seven billion versions of normal on this planet; I hope I managed to deliver one of them. After we finished filming Basma, I wondered whether there would be anything better than dreams coming true, and I realised the only thing better than that is to be able to dream”.

The new role adds to her career in the entertainment industry which includes a global recognition in 2016 for her debut in Barakah Meets Barakah, a Saudi submission to the Oscars.
Basma will launch next year on Netflix.

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