Home Happenings Lamia Kamel in An Exclusive Interview With The Voice of New York – iHeart Radio

Lamia Kamel in An Exclusive Interview With The Voice of New York – iHeart Radio

by Nadine Mustafa

There is cultural integration between Egypt and America – together we are working to present Egypt to the world in its contemporary persona backed up by its strong history and heritage.

The political leadership provides full support for women to obtain their full rights in all fields.

Amun Starr: Egypt is a wonderful country with its hospitable people and great civilization, and singing in Egypt is like a dream come true. 

In a distinguished radio interview on the famous American radio Station, Voice of New York- iHeart radio, Lamia Kamel, founder of the Narrative Summit and Former Assistant Minister of Tourism and Antiquities for promotion, was hosted. The interview tackles tourism in Egypt and tourists coming from the United States. Egypt has witnessed tremendous growth as a tourist destination post the pandemic and in 2022-2033, as well as an increase in bookings, especially from the U.S.

Regarding the reasons that made Egypt one of the most popular tourist destinations in recent times, especially from America; Lamia Kamel explained: “It is natural to see this huge cultural integration between two great countries. I see the respect that the United States has for Egypt and its ancient history. In addition to the progressive, contemporary image of modern Egypt that we are working to present to the world as a young, modern destination that welcomes people from all over the world. America appreciates and leads in creativity and diversity, and we feel that together as countries, there’s a great cultural fit.”

We have welcomed so many events from the US, like Maroon 5, and Black-Eyed Peas, and so excited to see more. 

Kamel stated: “My work in the Ministry of Tourism as an Assistant to the Minister of Tourism for promotion in 2021 – 2022 was one of the most important milestones in my professional career. I benefited from my experience working in the private sector and Narrative Summit in applying this through the tourism promotion plan for Egypt, and during that period we carried out several important and distinguished events that dazzled the world. It enabled me to see what a great country Egypt is and how we could engage with our friends globally to promote it more.”

Kamel explained during the interview: “After 17 years working in the field of public relations, and in 2016, it was a fundamental shift for me and the cornerstone of launching “Narrative Summit” to serve as the first international conference for “Nation Branding” in Egypt, and we have launched 7 Copies of the summit (including two digital ones during the Covid period) for 7 years, during which we were honored by the presence and participation of a group of ministers, senior government officials and foreign guests who presented Egypt not only as a historical and civilized destination but also as a cultural and civilized site. And for the year 2023, “Narrative Summit” is preparing to return once again in one of the largest events to shed light on the tourism development in Egypt.

Regarding the challenges of working as women in the Middle East, Lamia Kamel indicated that there are challenges, of course, but there is a great movement and direction in Egypt to involve and support more women, as the political leadership works to encourage and fully support women to obtain their full rights in all fields. Therefore, we now see a lot of women ministers and representation of women in the parliament and in the creative fields, media, cinema, and also in the business world. Additionally, many women hold positions in the world of banking, companies, and financial markets.

Kamel expressed her happiness with this interview and being hosted by one of the most established radio programs in America, as well as her acquaintance with singer Amun Starr through this program, which comes within the framework of the upcoming collaboration between Amun and Flair magazine to hold a huge artistic event on the land of Egypt next June.

On her part, “Amun Starr” stated during the radio interview the reason for her love and strong attachment to Egypt and the ancient Egyptian civilization: “I feel that ancient Egypt represents the roots of humanity, as America is a modern country. Anything that connects people to their roots and the origin of civilizations is a great obsession for me.”

Amun added: “It is a great honor for me to participate in this project with Lamia and Flair magazine, and it is a tremendous opportunity to shed light on everything I do and show it to the world and Egypt because I spent many years trying to show the world the truth and magnificence of Egypt, its civilization and its history. Egypt is truly a wonderful country with its hospitable people and great civilization.” My singing in Egypt is like a dream come true, and the location of the concert is wonderful among the Egyptian antiquities and this history that I have loved for a long time.

Regarding the project of collaborating with Amun through Flair magazine, Kamel explained: “The idea started with Flair magazine, which was recently selected in the list of the 50 Best Luxury Media in the World for 2023 from the Luxury Lifestyle Awards, which held several meetings with Amun, I was struck by Amun’s intense love for Egypt, its civilization, history, and people, and we worked together to prepare for a huge artistic event which will be held in a museum in Cairo, where Amun sings amid antiquities, history, and civilization.”

Amun Starr is an American singer, artist, and influencer who uses her voice and fashion to express her admiration for the ancient Egyptian civilization through her songs and various videos. She is one of the first international singers to film songs in the archaeological sites of the Pyramids of Giza, the Temple of Nefertiti, and Saqqara, and one of her most famous albums is “Origins“.

You can watch the full interview on @iheartradio YouTube channel, or https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1Llx1XhJVzE&feature=youtu.be

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