Home Entertainment The Documentary “Queen Cleopatra” on Netflix Evokes Big Contradictions

The Documentary “Queen Cleopatra” on Netflix Evokes Big Contradictions

by Nadine Mustafa

Egyptians have voiced displeasure over the selection of a black actress as Cleopatra, the last active monarch of Egypt’s Ptolemaic Kingdom. Critics contend that Cleopatra had no African ancestors, and that casting a black actress in the role is an example of Afrocentrism and historical deception.

The Netflix documentary dispute illustrates the ongoing debate in entertainment about cultural representation and historical accuracy. Several Egyptians believe the casting decision was politically motivated, with the goal of pushing an Afrocentric narrative that is not historically correct, thereby rewriting history.
A petition demanding for the film’s screening to be cancelled has already received over 50,000 signatures. This illustrates public outrage over Cleopatra’s representation in the documentary.

Filmmakers are being pushed to appropriately represent history and cultural identity as a result of the intense reaction to the casting choice in Queen Cleopatra. This dispute emphasises the necessity of taking into account and respecting other perspectives, in addition to underlining the need for open conversation and collaboration between filmmakers and the communities they represent.

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