Trending number 1 on Youtube, Ras Shitan, Abyusif’s long anticipated album, is Abyusif’s most diversified album to date. Without a single feature, his 9 solo tracks are considered as a manifestational album, with a demonic and hell-ish feel and vibe, Abyusif is giving his fans a glimpse of what happens in the devils head.
The album combines several genres, styles and flavors. With the collaborative efforts of Ismail Nosrat ( Co Founder Beatroot Records) they are delivering a musical experience superior on all fronts: from sound design & composition to mixing and mastering.

Maged El-Masry is Abyusif’s return to the scene since Mamlaka after almost a year of dissaperance with his biggest music video production to date. Directed by Hassan Khorshed, the Mexeek crew founder, they both purposefully delivered a lot of symbolism, abstract and subliminal messages to answer the rumors that has been circulating in the scene. Every follow thought that since he left the mexeek crew they lost their friendship and brotherhood as well, which is obviously not the case. And there’s no way better to prove it than having them all feast together on one (last supper- like ) Table.