Home News SEED ‘01 Scholarship: Helping People With Disabilities Into the Workforce

SEED ‘01 Scholarship: Helping People With Disabilities Into the Workforce

by Nadine Mustafa

500 persons with disabilities successfully graduated from the SEED employability program and are now ready to join the workforce.

Helm in partnership with Drosos Foundation celebrated the graduation of 500 SEED ’01 persons with disabilities from 27 governorates at a one of a kind location; the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization, Lac Du Caire where the Minister of Social Solidarity, Dr. Nevine El Kabbaj has personally handed all persons with disabilities attending their certificates alongside all partners.

This project falls under Helm Academy, the first accessible platform in Arabic for inclusive learning in Egypt. SEED ‘01 “Skills Enhancement and Employee Development” is under the auspices of the Minister of Social Solidarity, with our main sponsor; Banque du Caire, learning partners; Raya, UNFPA, and sponsors; Nestle, JICA Egypt, and the Embassy of Ireland.

SEED’s online employability training program aims to upskill persons with disabilities to have equal opportunities and match the job market need. The day was brought to life by  It is worthy to mention that Menna Shalaby has contributed to creating the SEED campaign which reached 8 million people.

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1 comment

Labiba Hussein March 29, 2022 - 3:29 pm

Very good event It’s my pleasure to attend


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