There are myriads of things to love about fall. When it comes to this season, the list is endless. While summer brings so much joy in many ways, by the time fall comes around, most of us are ready to move on from the unbridled heat waves and the crazy schedules to finally get some down time, as we refocus on the essence of our personal lives. Without further ado, here is a whimsical compilation of our favorite hallmarks of this season.

New Beginnings
The mere idea of starting fresh and cutting your losses is always something to look forward to. Not only does it bring so much hope for the future, it’s like hitting the ‘refresh’ button to see your life through a clearer perspective. Who doesn’t want that?
Sweater Weather
We love it – the transition from summer dresses and tank tops to cashmere sweaters and cardigans as the weather begins to get a little cooler. Not cool enough to make you freeze and not warm enough to make you perspire – somewhere perfectly in the middle. It’s the type of weather that invites you to be outdoors and take in the wonder around you.

Pumpkin Spice Lattes
Nothing screams fall like a dainty pumpkin spice latte. You can’t argue any differently. For some reason, we crave it in this season like we crave hot chocolate and candy cane peppermint drinks during Christmas. It’s a reflex action at this point.
Changing Scenery
While some of us have to grieve the transition from the regular sunny beach view back to the office or university campus, for example, many of us actually cherish it. Weirdly enough, getting back into the simplicity of the mundane life can bring a beautiful sense of security and stability that our soul yearns for in this time of year.

Comfort Food
Yes! Noodles, homemade lasagna, creamy chicken soup, Asian dishes, ….the list goes on. While we can’t really put a finger on it, there is something about this season that makes us want to either cook for friends or have them cook a meal for us. There is an unexplainable desire to stay in occasionally and spend quality time over comfort food with loved ones.
Colorful Scarves
Of course, we’re going to mention fashion in this list. Would you expect any less? This is the time for scarves to make their comeback and provide a more seasonal aesthetic to your daily wardrobe. Aside from adding a welcome splash of color, it is wonderful to see how every scarf can bring a different mood to your whole look.

Concerts & Festivals
As the fall breeze invites us to get more creative with our time, we are inclined to check out fun events, including music, art, film and book festivals. Somehow, we become more excited about these things during fall than any other season.
Curling up with a good book
Last but surely not least, we cannot deny the phenomenon of wanting to curl up with a really good book in this weather. And everyone has their own routine for this, whether you like to sit on your couch by a window, on a bench in a garden, on a blanket under a tree, while sipping on flavored tea or coffee. There is always something extremely magical about it.