Home Happenings ‘Dabur Amla’ and ‘Baheya’ Come Together to Raise Awareness on Breast Cancer

‘Dabur Amla’ and ‘Baheya’ Come Together to Raise Awareness on Breast Cancer

by Nadine Mustafa

Thursday, 30 September

Dabur Amla Company for hair care and cosmetics organized a successful symposium on the importance of early detection of breast cancer for women all over the region – all in cooperation with Baheya Foundation – for early detection and free treatment of breast cancer for women!

Dr. Safaa Ali, Professor of General Surgery at Baheya Hospital

Breast cancer is the most common disease in women and the second-highest reason for death in women, according to the World Health Organization. Every year, about 462,000 women are newly diagnosed with terminal cancer, and over 100,000 women die as a result.

In a significant attempt to celebrate breast cancer awareness month; the Baheya Foundation held a seminar to showcase the importance of early detection of breast cancer as well as the different types and stages of breast cancer. In addition to the latest researches that emphasize the types of treatment protocols according to the specific needs of every patient.

Moheb Qaiser, Head of Marketing and Sales at Dabur Amla Company

The seminar started with Mr. Moheb Qaiser, Head of Marketing and Sales at Dabur Amla Company, discussing the importance of cooperating with a humanitarian platform as Baheya Foundation is holding an awareness seminar for women within Dabur Amla headquarter to call upon the urgency of spreading awareness about the nature of breast cancer and means of prevention.

He referred to the role of the Baheya Foundation in the ceaseless fighting against breast cancer, stressing profoundly the feasibility of the cooperation to educate women prior to being diagnosed. However, executing such successful coordinated screening programs in low-resource areas has numerous obstacles. As a result, primary prevention of breast cancer should include promoting insight and understanding of breast cancer risks, early symptoms, and comprehensive breast health consciousness.

CEO of Baheya Foundation – Dr. Gilan Ahmed

Consecutively, the CEO of Baheya Foundation – Dr. Gilan Ahmed – praised the great role of Dabur Amal as an international firm and a regional activist in supporting the so-called, breast cancer fighters by allocating financial support from its profits during the month of October. She elaborated on the essential role of self-awareness when it comes to monthly check-ups for women over the age of 40 and the age of 35, for women who have a cancer history in the family.

In detail, she elaborated; A new bulge or tumor is the most prevalent indication of breast cancer. Breast cancer is expected to be a painless, hard mass with uneven borders, although it can also be painful, squishy, or spherical. They can even be excruciating. As a result, it’s critical to have any new breast tumor, lump, or alteration examined by a qualified health care provider.

Other relevant breast cancer indications involve:

Inflammation of the entire or a portion of the breast 
Slight discoloration of the skin (sometimes looking like an orange peel)
Pain in the breasts or nipples
Retraction of the nipple (turning inward)
Brown, rough, peeling, or swollen nipple or breast tissue
The secretion of nipples (other than breast milk)
Lymph nodes enlarged (Sometimes breast cancer can spread to lymph nodes under the arm or around the collar bone and cause a lump or swelling there, even before the original tumor in the breast is large enough to be felt.)

In a further explanation, Nesma Ashraf, a public relations specialist at Baheya Foundation, confirmed that breast cancer is the most common disease among women and the second most deadly disease. Various tests can be done to detect and detect breast cancer, she said. If a physical examination (mammogram) reveals a source of suspicion, and whether any woman exhibits signs that might indicate breast cancer, she will need additional tests to determine if it is cancer.

Ultimately, They emphasized that breast diseases are complex and wide-ranging, and they do not always have to be melanoma or types of cancer, so it is critical to obtain advice from specialized officials if any anomalous ailments are noticed. Dabur Amla signed a cooperation protocol with the Baheya Foundation aimed at providing financial support during these times with a profit dedication each month.

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