Home Lifestyle How to Let Go of What You Can’t Control

How to Let Go of What You Can’t Control

by Sarah Guirguis

Can you think of a time when you held onto something for too long until it stopped working or lost all meaning? Or you kept worrying about this one concern for months and things ended up working out in a much smoother way than you anticipated? Sometimes, we can be like this, because a part of us wants everything to happen our way. We also then stress about the real possibility of things not going our way. It’s a lose-lose situation.

And please hear me when I say this… We’re not trying to say that you should give up because you have zero control over what happens in your life. In fact, we want to declare the opposite. Here are some keys for learning how to take charge of what you can control and how to let go of what you can’t control.

Figure out what you can control

While you don’t have control over the weather, for example, or how people act and what they say, you have control over what you do and say. Build and work on your own healthy mindset before you start complaining about others, which brings me to my next point…

Don’t blame others for your problems

Taking responsibility for what your life looks like is so important. It’s true that mistreatment affects various aspects of our lives, however, our reaction to them is way more powerful. Reject the victim mentality and embrace the influence of good mindsets on your life.

Trust that you’re going to be okay

Sometimes, we are so attached to someone/something that we subconsciously think we won’t be able to survive without them. This brings about a real fear of letting go. The truth is that you can and will survive. Not only will you survive, but you will thrive as you begin to make the most of what you can control.

Learn the lesson and move on

We are meant to learn something new with every experience and season we go through. Take notes from the past but look forward as you move on with the new tools you have now added to your belt.

Embrace healthy affirmations

Last but most definitely not least, do not underestimate the power of self talk. If you’re not familiar with the concept, start by getting a pen and journal and writing down what you want to think/tell yourself when you experience moments of fear or self-doubt. Will you let them overpower you or will you learn how deal with them head on?

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