Home Blog Why We Need Affirmation

Why We Need Affirmation

by Sarah Guirguis

In a world full of struggles and mountains to conquer, it is very easy to fall into a pattern of getting disappointed. Whether you find yourself regularly disappointed with yourself, with others or with the circumstances you find yourself in, it is always helpful to take a step back and reflect.

Ask yourself – is it healthy to regularly have my mind whirling with negative thoughts? If I remain like this, wouldn’t that definitely keep me from achieving my dreams? Enter the power of affirmation! It’s time to become proactive about living with a healthy mindset.

Some of us are familiar with the term but don’t really see the vital role it can play in our daily lives. Simply put, the textbook definition of affirmation is “emotional support or encouragement.” Though it sounds like a fluffy concept for those who like to think they are self-sufficient, it is a basic human need. It is a powerful key to living a life of fulfilment and empowerment.

You can use it to prepare yourself before you enter an important meeting. It can help you break out of your shell if you have a little problem called social anxiety. It helps you realize how irrational your fears are and face them head on. As it supplies your control over negative emotions, it enhances your confidence and self-esteem, which then translates into effortless productivity. With that mindset, you can overcome bad habits and actually finish projects and meet the goals you had started working towards. The list goes on…

While this article is about how to “self-affirm”, we want to note that it is also very healthy to receive affirmations from family and friends who love you. Instead of shrugging it off next time they encourage you about something, be intentional about receiving it. With that said, here are a few affirmations to equip you and encourage you throughout the day.

I am blessed and loved by the people in my life.

I’m grateful for my team and I enjoy working with them.

I am great at what I do.

I live an honest, happy life.

I am not destined for failure.

I am not alone.

Disclaimer: Affirmations are meant to affirm you and encourage you, not puff you up to the point where you feel better or superior to the people around you. Just needed to add that in there.

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