Home Lifestyle Finding Treasure in the Mundane

Finding Treasure in the Mundane

by Sarah Guirguis

Where to begin? This is a topic that has proven valuable to people from all walks of life. There are days in our lives where we experience high doses of adventure and the memories we make in these moments are carved into our hearts as treasures we always like to look back to. 

Travel becomes something that we crave everytime our lives get a little challenging or uneventful. And it’s natural, there’s nothing wrong with that, except for the tendency to compare our plain-vanilla days with these big life firework moments, while forgetting the treasure and beauty we can truly find in the mundane.

The simple, magical things in life that we forget to cherish, if doted on, can make your “uneventful” seasons so much more valuable than you anticipated. We’re talking about little things like – enjoying a quiet morning with your favorite cup of coffee, talking to a friend about what is really going on inside you and listening to them share their heart, taking on a passion project, indulging in a delicious fancy meal every now and then, supporting someone who is going through a rough patch, going on a fun shopping spree, journaling and becoming more self-aware, and taking a full day off dedicated to self-care.

All these seemingly activities may sound very routine and rather humdrum compared to a trip to the Swiss mountains but it all depends on the lens you look at your life from. Let’s call it a mindful attitude switch, where you appreciate every season for what it is. If you flip the switch, you will value ‘the normal’ as much as you value ‘the exceptional’.

Why is this important to talk about? I believe there is true benefit in prioritizing fun and reviving the inner wonder we have for every season, no matter the surrounding circumstances. Not only is it essential for mental health, but it is a key to recognizing the unshakeable value of being alive. Life is always worth celebrating. Let’s make the best out of our time together.

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