Home Interviews Everything You Need To Know About Zamalek Market

Everything You Need To Know About Zamalek Market

by Nadine Mustafa

Zamalek Market is a weekly market located in the Zamalek district that sells healthcare goods on Saturdays. This vendors’ and artisan’ market encourages national attributes, a culinary and crafts workshop as well as an events area. As a result, you may sometimes discover the things you require or offer your own. Being one of the biggest attractions for the Zamalek residents, locals pay a visit every Saturday to seek only the best products in the region. Here, organic honey, vegetables, freshly baked goods, and even artisan-crafted products are easily found due to the market’s reputation as a food attraction within the region and a showcase for some of the best food producers in Cairo. We asked Dina Fahmy, the mastermind and founder of the market several questions about the journey so far.

What initiated you to start Zamalek Market?

It all started with me quitting my full-time job after I became a mum. I studied homeopathy, which is namely an alternative medicine, it’s how you treat yourself or anyone holistically. I studied with Mohamed Abdel Hai for a year and found myself completely immersed in adopting a healthy lifestyle and in constant opt to stay as close to anything natural as possible. That’s how the whole ‘Zamalek Market’ idea bloomed, having a place that would include all the healthy ingredients and products at your palms. I had struggled before to find the best quality for local healthy products. So, I decided to create one destination that is not commercial to present all the good resources close to the Zamalek community.

What does it provide in general?

Zamalek Market provides a one-of-a-kind shopping and sightseeing experience geared at supporting and connecting with local manufacturers and merchants. Running market events for a reasonable number of residents, the sellers included always bring souvenirs, products, and meals that appeal to both the local and visitor crowds.

Are most of the products local?

Indeed, the market has an amazing variety of products that come from local vendors and farmers at the best and highest qualities possible. I wanted to shed the light on these delightful products aside from the commercial ones that are flooding the market these days. It helps with the flourishing of the community economy and health all at once. What’s better than having a healthy unique product that is made out of love, passion, and dedication?

What products can we find there?

As I mentioned before, you can find all farmers’ products and foods as well as artisans’ crafts. You can find body-care products, healthy foods, and wooden handicrafts. I am always on the hunt for a specific selection and keep a certain identity to the market. To include all earthy, natural, and high-quality products in the same place.

Do you consider the Zamalek market to be inclusive?

It is both farmers and home-based artisans that are local. I wanted to promote such talented, interesting artists and vendors to showcase their products and encourage them to proceed in spreading the same awareness that I have, for people to support local products and manufacturers. We also have weekly vendors that sell their products every week, and some occasional seasonal vendors that present specific products before Ramadan, Christmas, etc. 

What challenges did you face when starting ‘Zamalek Market’?

Mainly, it was about bringing people in and encouraging them to trust products that I had personally picked and supported or found interesting. However, now I can say we have built a decent clientele base as well as interested vendors that want to take part in helping the community. 

Has the pandemic affected the business?

The pandemic has most definitely affected the business and how we operate in general. Last year, we couldn’t operate all year long and had to cease our operation till March due to lockdown. The market is all about the interaction between the vendors and the customers.

Is there a market that is similar to ‘Zamalek Market’?

There is actually a ‘Nunn Center’ that was before ‘Zamalek Market’. It was actually what initiated us to start when I opened — I knew the proximity was super close; however, it is more inclined to a farmer’s market. The ‘Zamalek Market’ has two showrooms for farmers and artisans as well. Both markets serve the community in coherence and consistency while being different, which I am proud of.

When is it open? And where is it located?

Saturdays and Sundays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. It can be found at 4, El Sheikh El Marsafy Street in Zamalek.

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