Choosing to Celebrate in the Midst of Trouble

Sometimes, life throws us curve balls that we never saw coming or imagined we would need to face. It happens. Life is simply full of juxtaposition; the good comes with the bad, and vice versa. But there’s always room to grow, learn and become more grateful.

In the thick of a tough week, it is always good to set aside an evening for celebration. While it sounds impractical at first glance, it is actually a weapon you need to break through the obstacle you’re dealing with. In layman’s terms, celebration is the expression of gratefulness for every blessing and good thing in your life. It reminds you of the sweet gifts in your life, whether that is supportive family, good friends, or places you call home. That fresh reminder is not only refreshing to a tired soul, it helps you look at your problem through a reasonable, unbiased lens.

Choosing to celebrate in the midst of trouble is an internal decision not to give up nor get caught in an overwhelming current of mental and emotional stress. Of course, there is a time to grieve something that happened or didn’t happen, but there is also a time to connect with yourself and tune into your needs; you may need quality time with loved ones who will encourage you and help you focus on the bright side of your situation. You may need to let off some steam, even for one night, and go to the cinema or arcades with a friend who is always there for you.

It doesn’t have to be something big because it’s not about forcing yourself into a new perspective. It’s about listening to your needs and meeting them, while remembering that there is a good side to your life and celebrating that. It goes without saying that you don’t have to go to parties to distract yourself from your problems and stay out late every night. That’s definitely not what we’re talking about. What we’re recommending here is that you do the same things you do when you’re happy and that remind you of what to be grateful for.

The weird thing about gratitude is that it’s a simple approach to life, but yet it is so powerful. The happiest people are not the ones who always get what they want. Research shows that the happiest people are the most grateful. And those who choose to be vulnerable in their relationships but that is a topic for another time. Don’t let days, weeks or months pass you by without using this key. Because it’s a key to freedom and inner peace.

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