Review: Lessons to Learn From le3bt Newton Love Triangles

Many Series, movies, and cartoons hold to the notion that people are either good or bad. In other words, some people are evil for no reason, while others are just kind, don’t make mistakes and whatever they do is always justified.

As a result, it was reflected in relationships in real life. After break-ups, we often see each partner victimizing themselves, which is entirely illogical. 

However, Le3bet Newton made us sympathize with all characters who happen to do bad things earlier. With the multiple love triangles we witnessed, Le3bet Newton showed us the complexity of relationships to learn from their mistakes. 

First, Hazem and Hana

Although they both love each other, they had communication issues. Hazem controlled Hana out of love, whereas Hana stubbornly tried to prove herself to him and everyone else. Hazem had anger issues, while Hana didn’t know how to deal with him. Hazem disrespected Hana more than once, and Hane wasn’t honest with him. 

It seems like a doomed relationship. It’s filled with control, anger, disrespect, stubbornness, and lies. Nevertheless, in an interview with Sherine Arafa, Mona Zaki said, “Although it’s an unhealthy relationship, it could work if they both worked towards fixing it. They both have good intentions.”

We make similar mistakes in relationships, but with different levels. Most importantly, we should aim to understand each other and fix ourselves.

Second, Hana and Moanes

At the time Hana and Moanes met, Hana was most disturbed. She didn’t have enough time to redeem herself from her marriage to let go of her feelings for Hazem. Moanes didn’t give her the time she needed. Although he waited months for the physical relationship, he still proposed too early.

It was a rebound relationship. Hana was grateful for Moanes and wanted to have a life with him, but she couldn’t do that without love. 

Long story short, they rushed into things, destroyed Sara’s marriage, and made the situation more complicated.  

Third, Moanes and Sara

Moanes did with Sara precisely what he’s doing to Hana. Then, he took her for granted as he knew she was in love with him. Surprisingly, Sara could leave when she was sure their relationship was becoming toxic. 

Eventually, Moanes lost a kind of stable relationship for the possibility of a new one with someone who doesn’t love him back. 

Thus, taking your significant other for granted is the worst you can do to them. 

Fourth, Hazem and Amina

Hazem wanted to get in a relationship just like Hana did, and Amina was there. Amina is perfect, so he chose to start over with her. 

Regardless, Hazem still got feelings for Hana. Amina herself told Hana,” It’s good I was there until you and Hazem find each other again.”

Ultimately, learning from one’s mistakes is great. Though, putting an end to previous relationships is even greater.

Finally, Amina and Badr

They both were looking for a father-daughter relationship. Badr was all about Amina’s happiness, even if with someone else. He violated the law to help her with her illness. 

Instead of tweaking things up to help her, leading to her death, he should have advised her to get medical treatment. 

Amina as well hurt Badr. She wasn’t clear with him about their relationship. She lied about being a virgin to avoid him until she found Hazem. 

Loving too much could be a problem. When the heart replaces the mind all the time, consequences would be severe. Moreover, being not clear about your feelings isn’t how a relationship of any kind works. 

To sum up, Le3bet Newton, directed by Tamer Mohsen and written by himself and Maha El Wazir, shed light on real relationships with real struggles. Assuredly, Mona Zaki, Mohamed Mamdouh, Mohamed Farag, and the whole cast did an excellent job delivering the characters’ feelings and regrets. Now, with a few days left for the finale, the series ending may be more tragic, but in reality, there’s still time to fix our relationships. 

By: Monica Mamdouh

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