Home Relationships Why We Need Community

Why We Need Community

by Sarah Guirguis

There are a couple of reasons why people choose to isolate themselves from others. It could be that they are tired of getting hurt, tired of dealing with conflict or tired of attending to people’s needs in general. If you need a breather, we would encourage you to take a break, but only for a short while. You should never embrace a lifestyle of isolation. And here’s why.


While it is so important to have a number of close, fulfilling friendships, you will also find another desire to connect with a larger community of people who share similar views and beliefs. While you most probably won’t connect with everyone on every level, you will connect on the main values you share together.

Strength and Support

The sense of belonging and knowing that you have people who have your back if you ever need help or comfort is so wonderful to have. There is definitely strength in numbers, even as they provide encouragement to keep going when you fall. People don’t always realize the value of that until they experience it. 


When you become a part of a healthy community, it is inedible to become empowered in bringing forth positive change. Not only do you feel resourceful with all the connections you have, but you also know who to come to for advice when you need it.


Surrounding yourself with people you can learn from is such an advantage to your life journey. Whether from wise people you trust or people of different characters, you can always learn something new. It’s a beautiful thing to be exposed to, especially if you look at it as an opportunity to grow and become a more well-rounded individual.

When we find the right community of people, we get much more than just fruitful connections. We find purpose and belonging that affects every other area of our lives. Through the ups and downs of life, community can lift us up when we least expect it.

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