A Scoop Into ‘From Her Travels’ Aesthetic Craftsmanship

When you combine wanderlust, dreaming, inspiration, adventures, creativity, passion, empowerment, and craftsmanship, you get From Her Travels. It all started with 3 friends; Marwa, Rabab, and Dina, being inspired by the many places they traveled to and the wonders they’ve seen. A single idea brought it all to life; a colorful table to bring joy into their homes. One thing led to another and they found themselves deciding to create a whole line of home pieces to bring stories and wonder into every home. And since home pieces would keep the dreams alive in our minds every time we look at them. We couldn’t help but wonder: what’s the story behind all of that? We got very lucky to have Marwa’s “From Her Travels” answer this question and even more than that.

What is the concept behind the brand?

From Her Travels is a brand inspired by an ambitious and full of dreams lady. One who embarks on endless adventures gets inspired by all that surrounds her – nature, ocean waves, the night sky starlight, the sunrise and sunsets dipping across mountains … – and who brings stories and pieces of all that magic back to her homeland and into her home.

Our brand’s story is;

Into no-man land, she went. To seek what’s within her and what’s without.

She took a trip to the Beyond. To the place where everything real belongs. Where some go to breathe in the sun, and where some go to just become.

Where music goes to be touched, and where colors go to be sung. She took a trip to the Beyond, and this is where every piece is from.

It is a memory made in lands afar. It is a piece brought back from the stars.

Can you tell us more about your latest collection?

Our latest Marble collection is one that blends the elegance and deep roots of the marble with the rustic touch of nature. From the temples of ancient Egypt to the myths of ancient Greece, From Her Travels took a trip to the lands of stories, elegance and majesty, and got inspired. From days spent in mountains, hours in sunlight and more endless ones dreaming under moonlight, she let her hands feel and craft. Out of the crystal mountains, she weaved a blend of stories and nature to bring into every home. This is where Marble came from.

Which of the collections is your favorite so far?

It’s very hard to choose, every collection brought a new perspective to our story; like chapters, one after the other, word after word, piece by piece; From Her Travels’ story keeps on unraveling. Yet, Olive – our very first collection – holds a special place in our and our customers’ hearts.

Why “From Her Travels”?

Every success starts as a goal, and every goal begins as a dream, and every dream is sparked by inspiration. Nothing inspires more nor ignites the soul like traveling and adventures. Exploring cultures, meeting people from all over the world, and seeing wonders. Traveling is the spark that starts everything.

Does your brand support sustainability?

We try to be as much as possible in every step of the process. In every piece we craft, we try to minimize waste and always respect the resources we have and use. We’re slowly making our way towards being an environmentally responsible and sustainable brand.

Would you ever consider adding more different products to “From Her Travels”?

Definitely! We have big plans for more product lines in the future; ones that are aligned with our brand and story. Our goal is to always add pieces inspired by the world around us and its beauty into every home; big or small may it be.

Who inspired you to start working in this field?

We’re travelers ourselves; the places we visited, people we met, cultures we explored, and adventures we embarked upon all played a role in driving our passion to start working in this field.

Is “From Her Travels” by any means women-empowering? And how do you think it’s women-empowering?

It is. The brand itself is inspired by a lady empowered enough to dream and work towards achieving her dreams through travels, stories, and wonders. The business is founded by 3 ladies, and in every part of the process, we always think of what other women need and want to add into their homes but with our dreamy and aesthetic touch. We put a magical twist on every piece every woman needs to add beauty or necessity into her home.

By: Nouran Hassan

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