Home Relationships Simple Gestures to Let People Know They Are Loved

Simple Gestures to Let People Know They Are Loved

by Sarah Guirguis

More than anything else, love is a way of life. We all crave it and want to pass it on to others. There are always little things we can do to show and remind people they are valued, and we’re not only talking about birthdays and relationship anniversaries. We’re referring to spontaneous gestures in the midst of the most regular, mundane days of life. If you don’t know where to start, we have some ideas for you.

Making Surprise Visits

In other words, showing up to their workplace, home or anywhere you know they will be at on a random weekday. A gesture like this is very precious because it breaks people out of their routine bubble, which is something we all need sometimes. It can be very refreshing and meaningful, especially given that you took time out of your day to see them and check up on them in person.

Being a Good Listener

It should go without saying that intentional listeners are a rare breed, and the world needs way more of them now more than ever. It’s why people feel touched when you remember little details they mentioned before because it shows you really pay attention when they talk and they mean something to you. You’re not human if you don’t care about being heard.

Picking Up Their Favorite Food or Just Coffee

If you’re about to pass by someone’s home or meet up with them, it’s sweet if you decide to pick up a little something on your way to make them feel a little extra special – be it coffee, donuts, spring rolls or even chicken tenders, according to their personal cravings, of course. This is a prevalent, yet unspoken, love language. Personally, I can’t think of anyone in my life who wouldn’t welcome food or coffee with open arms.

Calling Them Up For No Reason

We’re used to keeping tabs on people through minimal texting and reactions to Instagram stories, but we tend to reserve calls for when we need something urgent from someone. You might not be used to talking or catching up over a phone call, but for some of us, it would literally mean the world. Can we admit that, in this day and age, hearing the excitement or empathy in someone’s voice is simply way more meaningful than a heart-eyes or smiley emoji?

Including Them in Your Life

If you have an important milestone event coming up in your life, make sure to invite people to share the moment with, whatever endeavors you take on. It shows that you care about their support and input in your life, and you simply enjoy having them by your side. I know I love being invited to speeches and ballet performances, or helping a friend pick a wedding dress, for example.

Sending Flowers During Tough Times

Sometimes, flowers can say a million words. If you know a friend has been going through a hard time, sending flowers over is a sign affirming that you’re with them in the mess they’re in and thinking of them. Of course, don’t let this replace you physically showing up for them, as well. It’s a simple heartfelt gesture to serve as a reminder that they are not alone in whatever heartache they are experiencing.

Writing Appreciation Letters or Notes

This probably sounds cheesy to most of the Gen Z generation but for the old school romantics and dreamers, this is for you. Let your loved ones know how you feel and what you appreciate about them, especially if you’re not good with vocal expressions of love. Of course, if you opt for this gesture, you can’t do it halfway; I would definitely look for the coolest stationery paper I can get my hands on and even write in black ink with the best handwriting I can manage.

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