Home Arts & Culture A Talk With Painter & Architect Magd Messara

A Talk With Painter & Architect Magd Messara

by Sarah Guirguis

Currently a Professor of Architecture at the French University of Egypt, Magd Messara has built a wealthy career as a renowned architect and is now also recognized as a talented painter. Since 1984, he has been receiving several local and international awards, his latest being a certificate of appreciation from the International Society of Architects in 2020 for his longtime achievements. We talked to him to learn more about his story.

What do you believe is most crucial to the work of an artist?

I believe that the target of any artist is creativity, that is to express the feeling and vision of the artist in a new, non-traditional way. This is what artists like Picasso and other contemporary artists did too.

You mentioned the Spanish painter Joan Miró as an artistic influence. How does his work bring you inspiration?

I consider Joan Miró as the most creative artist because he totally abandoned the imitation of things in real life and that which was customary; he resorted to total abstract in his paintings, using dazzling colors and shapes that inspire people to contemplate and think about what the artist intended, which creates a kind of a private dialogue between the spectator and the painting that differs from one person to another.

Looking back, has your practice changed over time?

Indeed, my style in architectural design and my artistic paintings went through many development stages. At the beginning, I started imitating great artists, using classical approach in my paintings, until I realized my own style. As for the architectural designs, I always try to find a different style with every project which characterizes my work.

Tell us about your latest experience participating in Cairo Art FAIR VI.

I have always been driven by my passion for drawing. I’ve never considered selling any although I have drawn several hundred paintings over the years. It was only until some friends and my family encouraged me to participate in art galleries, so technically Cairo Art FAIR VI is my first exhibition. And I was overwhelmed by the reception of my work.

How did your passion for painting birth a career in architectural design?

The art of painting that I loved from childhood is what led me to choose architecture, as the very definition of architecture is ‘the mother of all arts’ because it combines the art of drawing, sculpture and the coordination of colors – all in one piece of work.

Among your many achievements, which one means the most to you?

There is no doubt that the project of ‘The Covered Sports Complex’ is my biggest achievement as it combines the originality of ancient Egyptian architecture with the contemporary style using Pharaonic, Islamic and Nubian architectural influences at the same time.

What have you learned over the years you’ve committed to the architectural design field?

The profession of architecture is one of the most difficult yet enjoyable professions, because it combines the innovations of science with the endless creativity of art. Despite their differences, mixing both science with art in one architectural work is considered grandeur and creativity, which is not easily achieved.

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