Life at home should be blissful. 2020 is a period of transition and everyone is struggling to find a balance, and this includes experimenting with ways to improve indoor air quality. If you are struggling with that, you are definitely not alone. There seems to be a misnomer that outside air is polluted and indoor air is clean, although both could be harmful. That burnt toast, fireplace, spray deodorant, bedroom paint and laundry detergent can all affect the air inside our homes in ways we rarely consider. Growing amounts of research show that air quality can affect how clearly we can think and the quality of sleep we get each night. With that said, have no fear. You can improve the air quality in your home with these five easy tips.

Just add plants!
It seems too good to be true but adding some simple foliage to your home can improve the air quality and act as a natural air purifier. Not to mention, plants are an effortless way to add some color to the room and brighten up your indoor spaces. If you are looking into it, try some tried and tested favorites like aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis miller) that are easy to grow and clean your air of benzene and formaldehyde. If you would rather have some flowers, a Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum ‘Mauna Loa’) is known for its ability to purify toxic gases such as formaldehyde and carbon monoxide, all while looking really pretty. Other amazing indoor plants that will improve indoor air quality include Bamboo Palm, English Ivy and the Corn Plant.

Go Fragrance-Free
A simple way to (almost) instantly improve air quality in your home is to reduce the amount of fragrances found within it. For example, you can start by clearing products jam-packed with chemicals since they can impact those with asthma, allergies and skin issues. Using fragrance-free cleaning products eliminates these harsh ingredients from your home and effectively improves indoor air quality. Voila! You don’t have to worry – natural cleaners and eco-friendly products will also make your home sparkle.
Try Au Naturel
Refraining from using scented cleaners can be a big change but what about other common scented items? Air fresheners, scented soaps and laundry detergents all smell great and make us feel that things are squeaky clean. The problem is that none of these are natural and they emit synthetic fragrance into the air and along with it dreaded chemicals. The worst part is that you can’t check product labels because they are not mandatory in many countries so they will often say generic words, such as ‘fragrance’ or ‘scent’, rather than the names of their real chemical compounds. Scented products are often derived from petroleum products and this means – sigh – more indoor pollution. The good news is that you can DIY so many great scented products from essential oils.

Decorate Smart
Candles are a great way to decorate and bring warmth to the home especially. when everyone is spending so much time indoors. Setting the mood or adding a hint of fragrance are the primary reasons why candles are so popular but beeswax candles have their own air clearing qualities because they release negative ions. Fun fact: most air purifiers work by releasing a negative ion charge, which negates pollutants like dust, dirt, pollen and other irritants in the air. Unlike regular candles, beeswax candles are natural and help to reduce contaminants, and they still look and smell great.
Get Salty
Okay, don’t get sassy, we mean literal salt. Yes, a salt lamp could be another way to clear the air in your home. If you haven’t heard of a salt lamp, essentially, they are a type of indoor lamp that is created by putting a light source into a Himalayan salt mass. While not an exact science, the salt lamps are thought to purify the air because of their hygroscopic properties. In layman’s terms, this means that the lamp emits negative ions, which fight against airborne pollutants. For many people, a salt lamp allows them to have reduced asthma symptoms, decrease allergies and improve breathing. Even if you don’t suffer from any of these ailments, there are claims that these lamps improve overall health by increasing blood circulation, increasing energy levels and even boosting mood.