Home Blog How To Thrive This Holiday Season

How To Thrive This Holiday Season

by Flair Magazine

While everyone has the largest smiles on their faces during the holidays, there is so much that happens behind the scenes. This year, we’d rather ditch the stress and the need to meet a certain standard/image of happy and fulfilled for a refreshing change. Here is our guide on how to thrive this holiday season.

Comparison is simply not allowed.

There’s literally no use for this ever but especially if you plan to enjoy the holidays. As you scroll through Instagram, you will see so many fun events people are going to. Logic says that you can’t be everywhere at the same time, and needless to say, you shouldn’t care what everyone’s plans look like. Just make sure that yours are special and planned with the people you love.

Let go of perfection and fantasy.

Some of us have really high expectations for the holidays for some reason – like every little detail has to pan out the way you see it in your head. The Christmas tree can’t tilt an inch, the food has to look perfect and your outfit has to stand out. Chill, please. This is not great for your mental health.

Be honest and thankful about where you stand in life.

There’s a weird tendency to suddenly want to evaluate your whole year (or life) during the holidays but we encourage you to avoid doing that. If you’re bummed about being single or you still haven’t seen your business flourish, you are not alone. It’s a beautiful thing to have dreams but it’s also okay not to have them all fulfilled by the holidays. Let go of this checklist in the back of your mind and choose to be thankful for the people in your life right now and the season you’re in.

Initiate kindness.

Be the one who goes out of their way to make it a special time for others. This can look like buying an intentional gift for someone who has been standing by you, calling someone you haven’t seen in a long time or just hugging a friend who’s currently going through a tough time a little extra. These little gestures will always be worth gold.

By Sarah Guirguis

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1 comment

adam March 21, 2020 - 11:05 pm

Great Post


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