Home Hot Addresses & Passport National Geographic Selects Egypt Among Best Trips in 2020

National Geographic Selects Egypt Among Best Trips in 2020

by Flair Magazine

Yes, you read the title right! Egypt, specifically Abu Simbel, made the cut in National Geographic’s Best Trips list in the ‘Culture Picks’ category. This happens to be their acclaimed annual list of where to travel and their ultimate guide on how to see the world in 2020.


“To build the list we worked with National Geographic editors around the world as well as photographers, writers, explorers and, of course, passionate travelers to report on the essential sites to see and places to be in 2020,” said George Stone, Executive Editor of Travel at National Geographic.

We’re more than happy to reclaim our spotlight in the world of tourism after the decline we experienced after the revolution. Recognized for their cultural history, the temples at Abu Simbel are described as “archaeological treasures and marvels of modern engineering”. The monuments brought to attention are the four massive figures of Ramses II along with the ancient wall carvings of the pharaoh and queen Nefertari.

Recommended for visits in February and March, Abu Simbel is also best experienced as part of a Nile cruise, according to National Geographic.

Source: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/travel/features/best-trips-2020/

By Sarah Guirguis

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