Home Features How to Recycle in Egypt in 3 Easy Steps

How to Recycle in Egypt in 3 Easy Steps

by Flair Magazine

As time goes on, more and more trash accumulates on the planet, negatively affecting our agriculture, oceans, and animals. One of our biggest weapons against the growth of landfills is to “Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.” While the last one may seem like a hopeless cause in Egypt, there are some things you can do to ensure your trash is not being added to yet another landfill.

1: Reuse

The first is one we often forget and that is to reuse our items. Most paper, metal and plastic things we buy all have way more uses than we initially expect to get out of them. Try reusing an old cream cheese container to store leftovers, or a finished honey jar to store rice or pasta, or even an old cardboard box to hold your jewelry. Get creative and find the true little treasures that lay within your “trash”.

2: Clean and Separate

Now that you have reduced what you can, clean and separate your items into plastic, paper and metal. The cleaning step is important as most items you leave unclean usually rot and cannot be recycled. Even if the surrounding trash around it is clean, it will contaminate the whole lot making it all useless. Instead of throwing out the takeout container with the sauce in it, clean out the sauce then throw it in the according bin. This way you can ensure all your recyclable items will be reused or recycled.

3: Hand your recyclables to Go Clean

Go Clean is the company Egypt needs. After separating and reusing what you can, Go Clean will take what you sorted and recycle it. The cost? Nothing, in fact they pay you. Go Clean incentivizes recycling by paying you for the “trash” you give them. They also provide household products if for some reason you don’t want the money. With 150 happy customers, Go Clean is the direct line to going green that you’ve been searching for.

you can, Go Clean will take what you sorted and recycle it. The cost? Nothing, in fact they pay you. Go Clean incentivizes recycling by paying you for the “trash” you give them. They also provide household products if for some reason you don’t want the money. With 150 happy customers, Go Clean is the direct line to going green that you’ve been searching for.

Here’s a link to their website so you can get started on saving our environment.

By Nour Ibrahim 

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