No matter what you call them—blemishes are the simplest way to ruin a perfectly good day. Typically blemishes, zits, acne, pimples, and other facial breakouts are small and inconspicuous, but they are more than an annoyance and a sign that there is something amiss. Could it be that you slept in your makeup? Getting your period? The overproduction of oil and the clogging of pores causes bacteria to build up and while genetics do play a role, lifestyle is usually the culprit. The more you know the better equipped you will be to deal with blemishes. Knowledge is power and this list below will help you banish your blemishes.

Keep Dirty Fingers Away

Yes, your own fingers and hands can be one of the causes of breakouts. Once your face is washed and ready for the day don’t touch it again unless absolutely necessary. Hands are constantly in contact with irritants and even the cleanest of hands can cause sensitive skin on your face to become agitated. If your hands are always on your face the dirt and germs from your hands is transferred onto your face causing irritation. Keeping dirty fingers away from your face will help keep your breakouts to a minimum.

Kanye’s Workout Plan

The whole point of working out is to feel better and get healthier in mind, body, and spirit. Wait, then how are workouts causing breakouts? The problem is that most people head straight to the gym from work or school meaning your face is full of makeup, dirt, and pollution. The sweat from your workout is creating a dangerous cocktail on your face. Don’t skip the gym just remember to shower right after or give your face a quick cleanse beforehand.

Smoke No More

It is hard to make any logical argument for smoking but to add insult to injury, smokers might find themselves with more breakouts than non-smokers. The entire smoking process leads to skin issues from decreased oxygen to the breakdown of collagen and elastin; smoking is not good for you or your skin. The cancer-causing habit is drying your skin out, as well as irritating it, which causes the overproduction of oil. Saying goodbye to your cigarettes might just be what your skin needs.


This is easier said than done, but stress is another one of the major reasons so many people have habitual health issues and distressing is one of the most important things you can do. Mental health and physical health are related and stress is one of the worst triggers for acne because when you are stressed from work, school, family, or what to watch next on Netflix your skin produces a hormone called cortisol. Cortisol is a hormone that causes oil glands to make testosterone. The testosterone then increases your oil production creating a vicious cycle causing more and more breakouts. The best way to avoid cortisol production is to decrease stress so treat yourself to a yoga class—your face will thank you.

Change it Up

If you are finding that you are continually having breakouts then something’s got to give. The idea of washing, toning, and moisturizing your face is important, but sometimes the products themselves cause irritations. If you are finding that you are religious about your face cleansing routine and “doing everything right” then maybe it is time to change your products. Opting for natural formulas with fewer chemicals, essential oils, and fragrances means fewer irritants and labels like “oil-free” and “non-comedogenic” will ensure that your products are working for you and not against you.

Foodies Beware

Food is the fuel that allows us to live, but the food we eat has been modified and processed food contains more artificial colors and preservatives than nutrients. The cliché “you are what you eat” actually rings true to a certain extent as the way we eat often dictates our health. Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables with an adequate water intake will help you glow from the inside out. You might not have an allergy to food for it to cause breakouts and blemishes but common foods like chocolate, pizza, wheat products, and dairy can be causing your face to breakout. Watch what you eat and keep a food diary, if you always break out after eating certain foods then it’s time to change your diet.

Amy N. Pugsley

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