Hygge Habits That You Should Adopt!

“Hygge” is a Danish term that refers to a mood of coziness, serenity and well-being. In Danish culture, it’s more than just a concept to embrace; it’s a lifestyle focused on finding joy in the simplicity of life. We can all learn and benefit from such a lifestyle. If you are a workaholic or you feel like you are constantly spinning in a wheel, this is a lifestyle that you should consider adopting. Here is how…


At Home

Light candles everywhere with your favorite scent

Candles have the tendency to flip your mood and make you more relaxed and comfortable. Buy dozens of your favorite scent and let it flood your home with blissful aroma. It will be worth your money.

Surround yourself with things that you love

Decorate your surroundings with photos or objects that remind you of random things/people that make you happy. Look at your environment as your “mood board”. We guarantee it will make your home more homey.


Turn your bathroom into a spa

Definitely invest in bath bombs and pretty lighting, or better yet – DIY. If you don’t have spa essentials among your bath product collection, make sure to throw in a body scrub, massage oil and a hair mask. Trust us. On your worst day, you will appreciate it.

Sit in your living room with a snug blanket

As simple as it sounds, your favorite blanket will eternally engender that snug, restful ambience that you need after a long day. Curl up with a good book and de-stress.


Watch a nostalgic movie

Whether it be an old Disney movie or your favorite TV show growing up, it will easily put a smile on your face and remind you of happy memories from your childhood – a time when you had enough faith to know for a fact that everything would be okay.


Below are a few suggestions that you can consider to treat yourself with. Remember that the end goal is enjoyment, so go for whatever melts in your mouth.

  • Drink soup or hot flavored tea or a glass of red wine
  • Indulge in dessert
  • Eat crusty bread (and if you’re brave, glaze it with butter)


Host your friends for a homemade dinner

It’s always a lot more intentional and meaningful to invite people to your home because they can infer that you’re letting them in. It’s also usually more intimate and cozier than other settings.


Watch the sunset or sunrise

This will remain one of the ultimate things worth waking up early or taking an afternoon break for! Pick the spot with the best view beforehand, whether it is a rooftop or a high-rise window. If you have a camera that has been living on a shelf for years, this is your moment to explore your artistic side! With a view as beautiful as a colorful sky, you can’t go wrong.

Cycle or go for a walk

Cozy doesn’t have to mean passive. We definitely encourage you to get active if you have as and enjoy the outdoors. Do it alone if you’re up for some Me-time or grab a friend for fun quality time.


Spend the night stargazing

Stargazing is an instant reminder of the bigger picture we regularly need to be reminded of. Self-absorption can be rather exhausting. When you find yourself caught up in your personal world problems, this is exactly what you need for a fresh, peaceful perspective.

Turn off electronic devices and be present

The number one key to connection that automatically leads well-being is to be present. Be present with everyone you talk to. Surround yourself with good friends and creative personalities and be open to be influenced by them. You can spit out the negativity – eat the meat and spit out the bones kind of thing.


Sit around a campfire or near a fireplace

Especially in cold weather, sitting by a fire is everything. Can we get an amen? It has a certain soothing quality about it when you get hypnotized watching the hue of the dancing flames and bask in that warm atmosphere.

Wear comfortable clothes

Wear something that you feel good in. Don’t hesitate to invest in material that feels good on your skin, as well – whether it be silky pajamas or fluffy sweatshirts.



Write on paper anything positive that you’re feeling or thinking. It will become more real to you and you will fall in the habit of becoming more grateful and content with who you are.

Laugh and smile more

Obviously! But make sure to actually do it.


By Sarah Guirguis

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