Imagine a typical model in the fashion industry. Odds are she is tall, slim, and simply perfect. Although fashion is for everyone-after all millions of women and men around the world embrace fashion- it seems like the fashion industry doesn’t embrace them back. Its no surprise that the industry is often looked at as an exclusive and uninviting one. Thankfully, the fashion industry is slowly changing its ways by gradually championing a wider vision of beauty and difference.

For their very first photo-shoot, the recently launched fashion direction and styling agency DYAD did just that-by featuring six girly with varying body types and sizes. The founders of DYAD Mariam Zahw and Nancy ElTaher wanted to convey a message as well as make a fashion statement. The six girls in their shoot showcase the beauty of difference and the power of being comfortable in one’s own skin. They dedicated it to every woman and aptly titled it “everybody”.


They wanted to make a strong statement with their first shoot and portray how they direct and style. “ For this project, we wanted to emphasize the different beauties of different women and we wanted to inclusive as much as possible. The fashion is shifting today for women and we wanted to be part of that change. It is also something that is not talked about often in Egypt today and we wanted to highlight the issue. For us, it was bold and fashion forward”, the founders expressed.


Their aim is to create and be part of an Egyptian fashion scene that recognizes artists and designers and represent them to the world in the most appropriate manner. “Creating pictures aren’t just about styling but about capturing the essence of a brand. As majors in marketing and graphic design, we look at and beyond the product and evaluate exactly what it needs”.


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