Home Interior Love, Live & Light up your Life with IKEA

Love, Live & Light up your Life with IKEA

by Flair Magazine


For any couple preparing for the big day, the list to prepare their dream home is overwhelming. And one of the biggest obstacles couple face is the lack of space in their new home. However space can be created. It’s all about using the right colors, lighting, and smart solutions. Here are some of IKEA’s tips and tricks to help you as you create your new haven.


Visual Impact

When it comes to walls, light colors have the visual effect of making a room or space appear larger; while dark colors make it feel small, cozy and comforting. Strong colors on large walls; especially dark colors will reflect on floors and furniture.

Who Said Light Only Comes From Within?

How does lighting affect our impression of the space? What makes the lighting in a space enjoyable? Why do we choose to spend time in a particular space? A good lighting plan can help us create a different mood in every space. Light does not only help us distinguish colors, shapes and sizes, it is essential for our well being. Good lighting does not mean bright lights. There is no need for strong lighting in a bedroom as it is a place for rest and sleep. In the living room, on the other hand, where the family members gather or host guests, lighting should be strong to reflect the vitality of the place. For a feeling of spaciousness, the distribution of light within the space plays an important role. Lighting should be positioned to provide overall high levels of illumination with an even distribution on the walls and uniform lighting on all surfaces.


Outsmart Clutter & Store Smartly

Smart storage saves time and space, protects us from the negative energy of clutter, and makes maintenance much easier. Storage plays such an important role in a well-functioning household that is why it is one of IKEA’s home furnishing priorities. Here are some tips for smart storage

  1. Make the most of available space by using the full wall-height for shelves; and make sure it is possible to reach the top shelf with a step-stool or ladder nearby.
  2. Storage with sliding doors or textile curtains is practical for closed storage in tight spaces.
  3. When you plan a children’s room, make their storage at child’s height so that they can easily reach it.
  4. Multifunctional products and solutions such as a stools which also serves as storage space, are very handy.
  5. For convenience, have frequently used items within easy reach and less used items stored away.

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