Home Arts & Culture Eddie Martinez–Beyond De Kooning

Eddie Martinez–Beyond De Kooning

by Flair Magazine

Interesting pieces of art,

Eddie Martinez, who both lives and works in Brooklyn, creates quite interesting pieces of art, which lies somewhere between the serious and the “less” serious with a very strong presence.  A fan of De Kooning’s wild yet controlled art, the artist’s influences are clear in Martinez’s work, and so is the strong influence of street art and graffiti, which becomes evident through his use of spray paint in an array of ways.

By Hend Seif El Din


Exuberating joy and happiness, Martinez embraces the tradition that uses pop images bathed in rich, textured paint.  His work also strives to reconcile some of the principles of modern painting, including flatness and texture, while staying true to his individual style. 




Looking at his work, the spectator cannot help but see–and feel–the chaotic nature of life, hanging on a wall.  Due to the mutable nature of the medium, namely paint, the work moves, and so does the chaos, hence not being pinned down. 


Noticeably, his work is an overflowing pot; images are constantly pouring out of his canvases; nothing is static and nothing remains in place.  Movement is evident and strong.  His work is fresh yet classic, which is where his influences such as the previously mentioned De Kooning fall into place. 




His strokes are bold, powerful and yet layered.  Taking a closer look at his painting, the spectator will come to realize that Martinez adds and cancels, layers upon layers, carving into thick blotches of paint, reminiscent of the expressionist painters. 


The artist’s distinct style appears in his use of recurring motifs, which are transmuted, modified yet also repeated.  He is a master of paint, molding, shifting, and layering it to perfection. 






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