Perfectly fits

From True Blood to The Originals–two of my personal favorites–and now Point of Honor, Nathan Parsons does perfectly fit every role he plays!  In addition to being easy on the eyes (ladies, there’s no denying that!), his multifaceted talent shines through the silver screen.  We talk to Nathan about being a vampire, a werewolf, and his latest show.

By Hend Seif el Din

I’m a huge fan of both, True Blood, and the Originals! So let’s start off with True Blood, how was your experience on set?
It was really eye opening. It’s a blessing to be able to walk into a show that has been around, established and successful for so many years. The first day I was on set with the whole cast it was like a family reunion that I got to sit in on and it didn’t take long for me to find a home there.

You’re clearly perfect for supernatural roles, how was it being a Vampire?
It was fun! I think most of the fun in it, aside from the powers of course, is the opportunity to create a life that spans so many decades. To play a character that was truly a child of the seventies and juxtapose that with modern society its a fascinating task.

What about your relationship with Lafayette? How vital do you think that was?
I like to think it was very vital. That particular story line I think reached out to a new audience for me. The struggle of going through that kind of a character shift was difficult to grasp at first but I like to think it was very necessary. People are going through that kind of hard self-realization every day all over the world and it was a gift to be able to share in that, if only on screen.

Moving on to my all-time favorite, The Originals. You play Jackson, the leader of the werewolf pack (fingers crossed), tell me more about your character.
Jackson is a little old school I think He’s very in touch with the traditions and history of his people. Also In his life he has seen the horrors of what vampires are capable of and although that burns deep we start to see that his people are not entirely without blame either.

You’ve been waiting for Hayley a long time, but from the looks of it, especially in Season 2, seems like you’ve “given up” on the idea of you and her being made for each other. Do you plan on fighting for her?
Well yes and no. See Jackson cares for Hayley very deeply. And in his eyes, he’s not gonna try and force her into something she clearly doesn’t want. That doesn’t mean he’s not gonna still look out for her and fight for her. Its just a different fight.

Now that she’s a hybrid though, how does Jackson think it’ll work?
She was a wolf first right? I think that is more important. Of course her becoming part vampire is going to cause a little commotion with the other wolves but I think Jackson can see who she is underneath all that.

What can we expect from Jackson? Will he start leading the pack again?
That’s the plan! Of course its never that simple, not when the Klaus and Elijah are nearby.

Do you think Oliver’s death affected his decision?
Of course! Anybody who loses their best friend is going to be affected. Oliver betrayed Jackson. The scenes we shot didn’t make it into the finale cause we ran out of time but the scenes can be seen on the DVD. After everything that happened between the two of them, of course Jackson’s decisions going forward will be impacted.

How will Jackson develop throughout season 2?
We’ll see Jackson learning more and more about

the history and traditions of his people and gradually taking on a more prominent role as the Alpha.

What about his relationship with Hayley and Klaus or Hayley and Elijah?
There is always tension when it comes to that family. Anything they get involved in rapidly becomes a mess.

Does he trust anyone at this point?
Trust is hard to come by at this point. I’d say the only people he truly trusts are one or two wolves at this point. Even with Hayley its hard to tell where her loyalties lie.

So which do you enjoy more? Playing a vampire or a werewolf?
It’s hard to say. The two characters are very different! I loved the work I got to do with HBO but I think Jackson is a little more like me so that’s been really fun to explore.

Tell us a bit more about your other project “Point of Honor,” what can we expect from this new show?
Point of Honor is an Amazon Prime pilot written by Carlton Cuse and Randall Wallace. Randall also directed. It starts at the outset of the American Civil War. The story is based around a plantation called Point of Honor in Virginia, and the family that owns it. We follow two best friends from their time West Point all the way through the war. One ends up joining the Union and fighting for the North. The other is me. I play John Rhodes, from the Virginian family that owns Point of Honor. He leaves West Point and joins the fight for the South. As for what to expect? I can honestly say I’ve never worked on anything that has this kind of scope. The chance to have massive battle scenes, ride horses, tell this kind of historical fiction about a time that truly shaped this nation; it’s absolutely epic. There’s no end to what we can do with Amazon at the helm. I can’t wait!

Photography Credits: Lesley Bryce
Groomer: Thea Istenes
Hair: Mateo Herreros
Styling: Amber Thys


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