Criminal Mind

1. Before talking about your role on Criminal Minds, can you tell me what led up to it?
I wasn’t in the pilot. They decided they wanted another female on the show. I auditioned a couple times and then I tested in front of the network. Which is so nerve-racking. The fact that the characters name was JJ was a good sign. AJ/JJ! The rest is history.

By Hend Seif El Din



2. Did you always want to be an actress?
I always knew I’d be a performer of some kind. I started dancing at the age of four and I was always putting on some kind of performance. I had a pretty wild imagination growing up. I didn’t spend much time watching TV. I would rather spend my time creating my own art.

3. If you hadn’t started acting, what do you think you’d be doing now?
I would probably be a Pilates instructor or a dance teacher. Something physical. I need movement in my life or I get bored.

4. On to Criminal Minds!  What’s your favorite thing about the show?
I love the people I work with and I think the chemistry shows through on screen. The show deals with very serious issues so the fact that we can lighten the mood in between takes and laugh with one another is so delightful.

5. How would you describe JJ?
JJ is the mama bear! She will fight hard for the people she loves. She will always care more for others than she does for herself. I think sometimes she spreads herself too thin, as you do, as a working mother.

6. Any resemblance to your personality?
Absolutely! We just had very different ways of coping with it all.

7. Would you say she “grew” on you?
I’ve always loved playing JJ. She’s like a sister to me. You really come to love and respect these characters.

8. How has she developed throughout the seasons?
JJ has seriously evolved throughout the seasons. I was so young when I started the show and you grow up and learn so much about yourself in your 20s. She went from being this timid Press Liason, to having a baby, to leaving the BAU to go work for the State Department, to coming back to the BAU as a Profiler. She’s had to keep a lot of secrets from the team, as well. She’s grown into this strong confident yet conflicted woman that has been an absolute  pleasure to play.


9. Do you find filling her shoes challenging?
I love a challenge. There are so many layers to JJ. I don’t want to play a one dimensional character. That’s not how humans are. We’re complicated. We are always learning and growing.

10. What would you change about JJ, if anything?
I sometimes wish she had a better sense of humor but… maybe that’s not quite right for our show.

11. How is it, returning for a new season?
I’m always overjoyed to be returning for another season. I feel so lucky to be on such a successful long-running show. I cannot believe we are on season 10. Pinch me!

12. What can fans expect from JJ on the new season?
Well JJ went through a lot in season nine but we haven’t seen her deal with any of it. As a woman, she’s so good at pushing it down and avoiding her own emotional, mental and physical health. Unfortunately, you can only do that for so long before you break. We may finally see that JJ isn’t a superhuman!!

13. What, in your opinion, is the show’s secret?Criminal Minds is one of the longest running shows.  Do tell!
I think it’s the magic combination of great characters that have great chemistry together mixed with incredible story telling. The world also seems to have a fascination with serial killers. People want to know what makes them tick.

14. With a new season coming up, you must be working around the clock!  How do you manage to create a balance between your personal life and your career?
The elusive balance! This is my constant quest. Some days are crazier than others but I have a great support system around me. The best way to balance is to just let yourself fall. It’s impossible to give yourself 100% to five different places. So just focus on where you are right now and give it your all.

15. What would you say keeps you centered?
My husband and son definitely keep me centered. They are my center! Quiet time with them is my everything. I would also be a complete disaster zone if I didn’t take the time to work out every day. I need those endorphins. They keep me positive.

16. Last, but definitely not least, could you let us in on some “new-season-secrets”?
Jennifer Love Hewitt has joined our cast! We’re going to learn a lot about who she is and a lot about all of our characters. We are going to reveal some huge secrets this season. You’re just going to have to be patient!

Photo credits: Gilles Toucas

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