Beautiful Inside and Out

Torrey Devitto first caught our eye on Pretty Little Liars, where she played the recurring role of Melissa Hastings.  Soon enough, she landed a spot on the hit series, The Vampire Diaries, as the stunning and compassionate Dr. Meredith Fell. But that’s not all!  Other than her beauty and talent, Torrey is the epitome of compassion.  Flair gets up-close and personal with this beautiful young lady, to talk about love, life, Hospice, and her upcoming regular role on Army Wives.

By Hend Seif El Din


I loved your character, Meredith, on The Vampire Diaries, any upcoming



Yes, you will be seeing Meredith again.


Did you enjoy playing Meredith?  Any similarities to the real you?


I really enjoyed playing Meredith. I found her to be a strong grounding character. Unlike some of my other characters, I tried to play her as naturally as possible. I guess there are some similarities there.


How did you enjoy working with your husband, Paul Wesley?


We never actually got to work together, but being in the same state working on the same set is always a treat. It’s nice getting to bump into him in the hallways.


Congrats on landing a role on Army Wives.  How much of a challenge is this going to be for you?  Tell me more about the character you will be playing.


Thank you! Iabsolutely love this character! She is the definition of kick ass and somultifaceted. She’s an ex airborne, army wife and mother. I cannot wait to see

where they are going to take her throughout the course of this year. There are so

many different places to take her. It will definitely be fun to watch!


How different is your Army Wives character from other characters you’ve played before?


She’s very different from any character I have ever played.  She is themost realistic character I have ever played. She comes from a place of reality,the real world. She has a real background and real life problems. I think she willbe very relatable to a lot of people.


Would you say you’re a risk-taker?


Yes, I try to be, with respect to me personally and with my work. There is nothing more gratifying than achieving a task you thought to be impossible.


Moving on from Hollywood, tell me more about your support of fur-free fashion?


Being against fur is something I have been aware of and passionate about since I

was a kid. It’s just completely pointless and vain. Skinning animals to use their skin for fashion is nothing but vile. It makes me sick!


Why did you choose to co-host the H-Couture Fur Free fashion Show with your husband?


Because it was a great opportunity to speak out against something I amclearly very passionate about.


I read that you love animals…do you have any pets?


Yes. I have an adorable, sweet, loving little boy (dog) named Beau.


You’ve been an ambassador for Hospice for five years now, what drew you to the organization in the first place?


I was yearning for something to fill a void thatI felt was in my life. I thought I wanted to work with children at a hospital orsomething like it, but when I was google searching, Hospice popped up. After Iwent through the three weeks of training I just fell in love with everything aboutHospice.  Being with someone and helping them go through their last stage in lifeas comfortably as possible was just something I knew I wanted to be a part of.


Tell me more about your experience with Hospice.


It has just been so eye opening for me. It has taught me how I want to live my life. I want to live with no regrets and I want to love to the greatest capacity.


You came up with the brilliant “Comfort. Love. Respect” theme for the National Hospice & Palliative Care month…tell me more about it.


I just wanted to come upwith words or a slogan that I felt truly represented what hospice was about. And Ifound that. comfort, love and respect are what Hospice provides for theirpatients.


I also know that you designed a T-shirt for Hospice.  How did you come up with it?


I felt the NHPCO needed a “hipper” t-shirt to entice people to donate to the cause.

I know that –especially–being in LA, a lot of people love to donate to a charity when there is a great t-shirt involved!


How has working with Hospice changed you?


It’s changed me a lot. It has made me a lot more compassionate and it has really

made me more aware of how I want to spend my time on this planet


Any upcoming plans you’d like to share with us?


Just going to be spending a lot of time in Charleston, South Carolina, which is where we film Army Wives. I can’t wait to explore the city. It is stunning!



Up-close and Personal


Biggest risk you’ve ever taken?

Deciding to choose acting as my career.


Define beauty

Beauty–for me–is finding inner peace and confidence within yourself…being comfortable with who you are…and being kind and loving.


The bold vs. the beautiful…who’s the winner?

Neither. Too much of one thing, is a bad thing.


Love is…



What inspires you?

Nature inspires me…sunsets and sunrises inspire me, and the people I love inspire me.


Words of wisdom?

Don’t ever judge your own path. It’s yours and its beautiful, just enjoy the ride.


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